How To Build Worth If You’re Feeling Unworthy?

Recently, I’ve been reminded how non-linear unlearning a core belief is. Especially such a wounded one as feeling unworthy. Just like our physical fitness, there are days you feel like …

woman under the water

How To Feel Your Feelings Without Drowning Under Them?

Emotional acceptance. That concept can trigger some level of resistance. I get it. Allowing all emotions, including the painful ones, is a challenging task. Almost impossible at times. So how …

person holding brown leaf

Toxic Shame: What Is It And Can I Heal?

We’ve all felt shame at some point or another. It’s such a common human emotion. However, toxic shame goes way beyond this. And in this post, I’ll explore it further. …

silhouette photo of man leaning on heart leaf shape tree during dawn

Attachment vs Love: How To Tell The Difference?

This is such a common question. An almost universal dilemma. Many of us, including myself, have at some point or another fallen into the conundrum of ‘attachment vs love.’ But …